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Suwon Yoon

Ph.D student at HIS Lab, POSTECH

About Me

I am a 1st year Ph.D student at POSTECH. I am currently advised by Professor Inseok Hwang and conduct my research in the HIS Lab. I have a keen interest in research focused on personalizing various services. My objective is to develop systems that effectively meet the unique needs and preferences of every individual.

Latest News

February 2025Attended HCI Korea 2025.
February 2025Graduated from POSTECH Bachelor of Science in Computer Science!
May 2024Attended CHI 2024 at Honolulu, USA.
April 2024Open Sesame? Open Salami! got a Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2024!


This is a list of all of the papers I authored or co-authored.

Paper thumbnail

Open Sesame? Open Salami! Personalizing Vocabulary Assessment-Intervention for Children via Pervasive Profiling and Bespoke Storybook Generation

Jungeun Lee, Suwon Yoon, Kyoosik Lee, Eunae Jeong, Jae-Eun Cho, Wonjeong Park, Dongsun Yim, Inseok Hwang

CHI 2024Full PaperHonorable Mention